Monday, January 6, 2014

The Subsidiary: Neti II

With the 'cargo' now loaded, you begin the long descent into the atmosphere of Neti II...

The turbolift descends quickly and swiftly, down into the tumultuous clouds that swirl and churn beneath you.  The enormous atmospsheric pressure creates ripples of lightning that arc and illuminate impossibly huge cumulonimbus patterns, like a nightmare around you.

Continuing your descent, you break the cloud line, descending tens of kilometers every second.  Huge lifeforms drift about, utterly alien and adapted to a biosphere without terra firma.

Until finally, with nearly all natural light blocked out by the omnipresent propylene clouds, you make out the shapes of immense gas extraction facilities, lodged in the concentrated layers of Neti II's dense atmosphere.  Stretching far into the mists and clouds, the facilities are monolithic reminders of the might of Imperial technology, each rivaling Star Destroyers in sheer size and mass.

The turbolift descends, and beneath you yawns the maw of the cargo facility, the heavy blast doors open only momentarily before you pass between them, and they rumble to a close.  You see the cloudy atmosphere stream out in jets as the room once again pressurizes, supplying sweet oxygen in an environment where outside life is clearly unwelcome.

Two durasteel doors begin churning open to your left, revealing a yawning storage facility.
It is set to start at 4:10


  1. [OOC]
    Is the crate, with the commander and crew inside, with us? Or somewhere in the storage facility?

    1. [OOC]
      The crates are with you on the turbolift.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. [Rezurah]

    Sticking to the shadows, Rezurah peers around corners and down halls in search of any nearby workers. Once she has made her rounds, she will return to Mkkt and the crate and relay the information and determine whether it is safe, or not, to open the crate an release the rebel crew.

    Stealth +10
    Perception +6

  3. You skulk around the storage facility, darting along the towering walls of crated goods. As you creep towards what seems to be a hulking vestibule free of cargo, you spot two hired hands speaking to two immediately recognizable figures.


    You watch for a moment, and notice the men seem a bit threatened, handing ID cards to the troopers, one of whom inspects the ID while the other trains his rifle on the two workers. You see his head twitch, and he nudges his comrade.

    They are looking directly at you.

    Stealth 22 vs Stormtrooper Perception 27
    Perception 15

  4. 'You there!' The first trooper calls to Rezurah, shoving the IDs back into the hands of the workers. He orients his body in her direction, hand on holstered pistol.

    'What are you doing hiding back there? Come out and show me some ID.'

  5. [Mkkt]

    Mkkt stands guard with the "cargo," blaster drawn, awaiting rezurah's return. One can only have a bad feeling being down here, after the close call we had moments ago, so Mkkt is quite on edge. Whilst waiting for Rezurah, Mkkt taps on the crate with his gun and tells the crew, 'Keep quiet until I give ya the signal.'

  6. [Rezurah]

    seeing that the troopers are still far enough away to maybe not hear a whisper, Rezurah coms (earbud com) Mkkt "2 troopers" while smiling at them, talking through her teeth to be the stealthiest she can.


    Stealth +10
    or Deception +3

    "I am looking for where to drop off the hazmat suits my partner and I are delivering, all of my identification is back with my partner at the entrance, while your finishing up with them I can go get it if you'd like."


    Deception +3


    1. Disguising your quick transmission as brushing back your head-tail, you face your interrogators with a cool demeanor.

      'Dropping off cargo, eh? I wasn't notified, not that it is any surprise. Alright, let's go take a look at your shipment.'

      He calls back to the other trooper. 'Take those two back to processing, I'm gonna go check out a slippery delivery. Send the captain out after you get back, he might want to check it out.'

      He begins escorting you through the cramped hangar.

      'What were you doing sneaking around back there?' he asks casually.


      Stealth: (29) vs. (15) Success!
      Deception (20) Success!

  7. [Rezurah]

    "I wouldn't say I was sneaking I was just looking for someone that could direct me and my delivery to the right spot"


    Deception +3

    Rezurah smiles innocently at the trooper with an undeniable twinkle in her eye.


    Persuasion +3

    1. The trooper chuckles.

      'Well, there isn't anything to be afraid of, miss. Provided, of course, that your story holds up. I've been doing this a while, and you don't seem one to try and pull some heist over our heads. Ah, here we are!'

      You turn the corner of highly stacked crates and see Mkkt awaiting.

      'Let's get this sorted out.'


      Deception: (9) Failure! But, Deceptive (20) Success!

      Persuasion: (10) Success!.

  8. [Mkkt]

    As Rezurah and the trooper turn the corner and begin heading towards Mkkt and the crate full of rebels, Mkkt puts his carbine away, behind his back, to seem less threatening, and calls out to the approaching imperial,

    'Ah, finally, someone who can assist us with this endeavor. A trooper.' Saying it loud enough so the rebels can hear. 'Where might we be takin' our shipment?'

    Mkkt then steps aside to "let" him inspect the crate.


    Readying an action for when the trooper inspects the crate, giving me a chance to get behind him, potentially catching him flat-footed, or if he attempts to call more troops down, I'm going to grapple him and attempt to take him out.

    Grab/Grapple +12

    Wish me luck!

    1. He and Rezurah stride toward you, speaking softly to each other. You can barely make out the tinny, filtered voice of the trooper approaching. His blaster carbine is cradled in his arms.

      'We'll find out where we're going once we see whats in those crates. Who's in charge here?'

      'Miss, stand over there please.' He motions to the crates with his gun. 'I'd like to keep an eye on both of you.'

  9. [Rezurah]

    Rezurah complies and moves by Mkkt standing to his left with her right leg and arm ever so slightly behind him, this allows her to attempt to conceal her reaching for her blaster pistol out of her thigh high boot. She does this all while smiling innocently of course with complete eye contact with the trooper.


    Stealth +10

    1. 'Alright, one of you open up the crate.'

      The trooper spots Rezurah making eyes at him.

      'Don't worry, miss. If you're telling the truth this will be an affair without incident.'


      Rezurah: Stealth (16)
      Trooper: Perception (15)

  10. [Mkkt]

    Mkkt is in a bit of a panic. "Opening the crate in front of a trooper was not part of the plan," Mkkt thinks to himself.Standing near the crate, opposite Rezurah, Mkkt places his hand, nonchalantly, as a brace, on the container, watching Rezurah carefully to see, exactly, what she is up to.


    Perception +6 to notice Rezurah pulling her blaster out of her boot

    Also, as I mentioned above, I'm using the crate as a brace to push off of, and charge the storm trooper, if things start to get hairy, or if he does anything to compromise the mission, i.e. comming reinforcements, becoming aware of the situation, or Rezurah opening fire.

    Grab/Grapple +12 if necessary

    1. You awkwardly lean on the crate beside you, taking in the situation.

      You and Rezurah look something like this.

      You notice her body language, specifically one you've noticed before. One that leads to her signature boot-hidden-blaster...


      Perception: Natural 20, baby! You take it from here!

  11. [Rezurah]

    Rezurah leans forward with her left hand to open the container she opens it revealing the cargo to distract the trooper from her aiming and shooting her blaster pistol into the troopers chest.


    attack +6
    3d6+2 dmg

  12. [Mkkt]

    Watching the bolt leave her blaster, Mkkt sprints at the solitary Storm Trooper like a locomotive, leans in, and spears him at the sternum with his shoulder with equal force, slamming him into the ground, clasping two hands around him, leaving him with two more fists, like a torrent of misery raining down upon him!


    Grab/Grapple +12
    Unarmed Atk +7 to hit, 1d6+7 dmg (if you want to, you can use this for the spear atk as well :D)

  13. The two of you leap into action! Rezurah draws her weapon in one smooth motion, opening fire on the trooper, blasting bolt after sizzling bolt past as Mkkt explodes from his position in a churning assault.

    The Stormtrooper reacts quickly, narrowly avoiding a direct hit as the bolts sizzle past him, glancing blows lancing off of his white armor.

    Rezurah find it difficult to find her mark as she pumps bolt after bolt at the trooper, her aim obscured by Mkkt's muscular form.

    He churns forward, putting his full weight behind his blow. The trooper, however, braces low both in anticipation of the blow and in an effort to avoid Rezurah's shots.

    Mkkt slams into the solid, armored frame of the stormtrooper, who has already lowered his center of gravity in anticipation of the assault. Mkkt collides with the trooper, who shoulder checks the Codru-ji away with a shattering blow.

    He brings his rifle to bear.

    Rezurah: Blaster pistol +6 (13) Miss!
    Mkkt: Unarmed attack +7 (11) Miss!

    Stormtrooper +9 (17) First
    Mkkt +10 (12) Second
    Rezurah +10 (natural 1) Last

    After your blazing hot rolls they finally go ice cold.

  14. The trooper wheels backwards after deflecting Mkkt's tackle, one hand touches to his helmet near where a human's ear would be, the other arm brandishing his carbine from the hip and loosing a volley of shots at the sentient closest to him.

    His shots are wild and unfocused, grazing Mkkt's right leg and leaving hissing blisters in their wake.


    The trooper takes a 5ft. step backwards, autofiring at Mkkt.
    Blaster carbine +1 3d8 2x2 area (15) 3 dmg!

  15. [Mkkt]

    Shaking off the shot to the leg, adrenaline pumping, Mkkt lunges forward in attempts to grab the troopers' unoccupied arm and twist it behind his back, leaving him vulnerable for Rezurah's next shot.


    Grab +12
    If grabbed, you get a -5 to your ATK

  16. The trooper's arm shoot up. the blaster bolts lancing toward you, leaving blistering scorches where they burn through you. The Trooper's balance is lost as you jerk his blaster arm behind him, balster bolts surging into the floor as his arm twists. You hear a grunt as his words are interrupted inside his helmet.

    Mkkt Gran +12 (25) Hit! The stormtrooper is grabbed and 'rasslin with Mkkt!
