You come out of hyperspace within the Neti System and see your target ahead: a Jovian Giant, the second planet in the system. You begin your approach, and from orbit you can see massive storms raging through the planet's atmosphere, mostly composed of gaseous and liquid propylene. Lightning arcs across the surface of the planet, and its volatile composition and remote location are betrayed only by the heavy space traffic around in the planet's orbit.
Congested Skies |
The upper exosphere of the planet is heavily congested with nearly every imaginable type of transport., and it isn't long before you are hailed by the nearest docking facility, which lay outside the planet's atmosphere.
'Freighter, this is Skyhook Aurek-204. What brings you to Neti II?'
Skyhook Aurek-204 |
Loading Droid |
ReplyDelete"Skyhook Aurek-204 this is the Aeon Harbinger, We are here to drop of hazmat equipment, if you can please direct us to the appropriate landing pad."
Deception +3
(i am deceptive so i can re roll any deception if need be)
I like Purple
'Another shipment of hazmat suits, why am I not surprised? I tell ya, the equipment costs of these operations are a hole in everyone's pocket, am I right?
Delete'Hmm..don't have seem to have you on the manifest, but with all of the hazmat shipments we get one or two will probably slip through the cracks. Go ahead an dock on Aurek-204 Platform 3. We'll send someone over to prep you for planetside.'
Your dice are flaming fucking hot on this adventure! Both of you!
Deception +3 (19+3=22 vs. Perception (8)) Success!
ReplyDelete"I hear ya, this is my third drop off this month, thank you."
Rezurah continues promptly towards platform 3, while coming her shipmates the details for landing and how they are sending someone to prep us for the planet's atmosphere.
Pilot +10 (if i need it to land)
Duthsen pales at the question. The commandos begin shifting uncomfortably.
Delete'This, uh, this is an unforeseen complication. I hadn't calculated on not being able to land directly on the planet.'
He tugs on his collar to let of some steam. 'I, uh, guess I didn't take into account the atmospheric variables of the mission. Shoot, I always overlook the little stuff.'
He ponders for a moment, scrunching his face in frustration.
'If we are identified here, its all over, and we won't have any other option for getting to Alaksys. You two are the smugglers! Start smuggling!
The ship descends gently onto the platform, just a routine job for Rezurah's skills!
You aren't under any immediate pressure, so I let you took a 10 on your pilot check. In other words, sometimes in easy situations you can treat your skill check as if you had automatically rolled a 10 on a d20, which is about the average.
So: Pilot +10 (20) Success!
ReplyDelete"Alright lads, into the cabins ya go. Not a peep outta ya, now. Ya ain't got nuthin' worry about. Trust me, we've gotten outta much worse stuff than this." Mkkt pats the Commander on the back and points him to the cabins. "Make sure ya lock them doors."
Mkkt makes his way to the boarding ramp, in case the preppers want onboard. On his way, he comms Rezurah and tells her, "Meet me at the ramp. We're gonna need that silver tongue of yours I'm sure."
ReplyDeleteRezurah leaves her carbine in the cockpit and hides her pistol in her boot.
Stealth +10
She passes the "cargo" on her way to the boarding ramp with all eyes on her she states in the most seriousness; "My job is to drop you off on Netti II, I WILL do this but any trouble you get into once you are off of my ship is your own. If there are complications when I open the ramp and you don't find opportunity to vacate Mkkt and I will assist you but you need to be ready. We cannot be faulted if you cannot hold your own."
Duthsen clenches his jaw, gives you both a nod.
Delete'Understood ma'am. If worst comes to worst, we are all trained combatants. Granted, if it gets that far, the mission is failed anyway.'
He strides away, shaking his head, and you hear him combing the ship giving commands to his men. In moments, the halls of the ship are silent as they follow. Mkkt's advice.
From the cockpit you see a docking crew collecting on the platform, carrying maintenance equipment and utilizing a large loader droid to unload a large crates onto the dock.
Rezurah: Stealth +10(24). Once you begin interacting with others their Perception will come into play.
Also, see up top for the loading droid.
ReplyDeleteMkkt lowers the boarding ramp and saunters down to the platform. "G'day lads!" Mkkt shouts to the crew. Walking up to a nearby crew member, Mkkt says, "Might a have a few words with ya? So tell me, what, exactly, is the procedure here? What all needs to be done to get the ship ready for planet side? Is there anything you need us to do?"
Is the platform outside, or is it in a hangar inside the skyhook? It will determine whether we are wearing flight suits or not. Background atmosphere really.
You stride out onto the dock, and you can see the sky filled with thousands of freighters, some a mere twinkle against the stars. Below stretches the gas giant, filling the sky below you, stupefyingly epic in scale, swirling mega-hurricanes striped by lightning consuming the surface.
ReplyDeleteYou take solace in the ray shields protecting you from the vacuum of space.
The docking crew glance at each other, chuckling. The near-human foreman pipes up,'Ships don't actually go planetside, son. Atmo's too caustic, and besides, its composed mostly of propelyne. One little pocket of air and, say, yer ENGINES, is all it needs to create an explosive firestorm across the planet's surface.
'So, heh, I guess you could say we're pretty strict about lettin' ships that don't meet code in atmo. You folks'll be takin' yer cargo down the skyhook.'
ReplyDelete"Sounds good my man." Mkkt says to the operator as he turns and walks back to the ship. Once inside the ship, Mkkt heads straight for the cargo hold to see if there is any boxes or crates that could hold some...large cargo.
Perception +6
Can I use a triumph point to ensure the crates being there lol
DeleteNo but you can use your Destiny point to do so!
ReplyDeleteRezurah closes the docking ramp for privacy. She then calls all of the passengers out.
"The only way to the planet is through the sky hook. We need to be a little creative"
In the cargo hold Mkkt and Rezurah show them the crates that are going to cover them during the transport.
'You're going to smuggle us in crates?! I'm not particularly comfortable being locked away like this, but I suppose that is our best option.
Delete'We are going to prepare ourselves for 'shipment.' Ugh, I never thought I would be illegal cargo...' Duthsen mutters as he slinks into a crate.
Alright, looks like it is up to you two now! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteOnce the Commander and his crew are settled in the crates, Mkkt and Rezurah make their way out to speak with the operators. "Alright gents, were on a bit of a strict schedule, so let's get that loader over and get this shipment down to that gas giant down there." Mkkt walks over to the cargo lift and lowers the crates for the loader bot.
The loader droid is none to gentle as it heaves the crates bodily into the massive turbolift. A few muffled grunts and groans are emitted from the crates as the droid lumbers along; the ride can't be too comfortable from inside the crates. Even over the whirring, creaking, and slamming of the droid's work, the crew seem to take notice.
ReplyDelete'What was that?' one of the docking crew blurts out. He turns to the foreman. 'Exactly what are we loading up here? I thought I heard someone's voice coming from these crates, sir.'
'I'll take care of it,' replies the foreman.
He turns to the both of you.
'Well? Do we have to crack one of these bad boys open, or do you have a better idea?'
Dock crew Perception +5 (11). Just barely enough to notice something.
ReplyDelete'No,' Rezurah replies to the curious operator, 'opening the crates won't be necessary. You see, inside is an abundance of extremely volatile components that, when exposed to high amounts of oxygen, has a powerful and dangerous reaction. What you were hearing was probably just some pressure escaping the container. We should probably hurry. I feel like if we spend too much more time up here, it could be catastrophic.'
Deception +3
Deceptive- re-roll deception check and keep the second result...if need be
How many workers are present?
'Wait, I thought you said before that it was hazmat suits that you were shipping! And why wouldn't these containment units be vac-sealed?'
DeleteHe pulls out a comm. 'This is foreman Trobona. We might have a red flag on Aurek-204. Stand by for security detail.'
'Start pryin' open one of those containers!'
He turns back to you both.
'Now, you want to try this again?'
Deception +3 (1), Reroll (16) Failure!
There are about 6 crewmen, including the foreman.
can i use a force point or anything to make it succeed?
ReplyDeleteDo you actually have any to spend?
yea i used all of my level 3 points but i am level 4 now
ReplyDeleteWith a Force point (4) added it brings it to 20, but you do need to do something about the inconsistencies in your story. Remember they let you through easily for delivering mundane equipment and he just caught you in a lie.
ReplyDelete"Listen friend," Mkkt says to the operator, "we're on an extraordinarily important mission. I know you're a good man just doin' yer job, but what would it take for this 'cargo' to get down to the planet? Conflict is the #1 thing we were tryin' to avoid. Work with me, now."
Persuasion +1
If I roll a 16 or higher and still fail, use a force point please
The near-human man squints his eyes at you.
Delete'What's it going to take? Well that depends on what its...worth to you.'
Persuausion +1 (20).
Looks like he is willing to talk.
ReplyDelete'Alright lad, tell ya what; I got 800 creds in it fer ya if ya can get us and the crate down there. Now, that's a pretty penny fer pushin' a button.'
Persuasion +1
Same scenario
'This is obviously over our heads, boys.' He winks at you. 'Just heard it over the comm, we're supposed to let them through. Some kinda private manifest. Very high level.'
DeleteHe moves to shake your hand, palm slightly upraised, and accepts the bribe.
Persuasion +1 (7) and Force point 2 make it (9), but a bribe goes an awful long way.
ReplyDelete'Ahhh, yer a good man. Well, let's go ahead and get this box on down to the planet.' Mkkt signals Rezurah over to the lift so we can get a move on.
To Be Continued...