Saturday, November 24, 2012

Out for Vengeance: Amberdin

Amberdin grew up worshiping the tales of glory and justice his great ancestor had been a part of from a time past. He grew up on his family estate and spent a lot of his time meditating at the altar to his ancestor. Amberdin eventually bonded with the spirit of his ancestor, and set out to continue the work of justice through the echo’s of Althalus’ divine power. Now older and settled down, Amberdin lead a quieter life in a quieter place. But recently his wife, Kahlan has been kidnapped by the forces of the All-Father-- he who was imprisoned on the lunar heavenly body in part by his ancestor. Now Amberdin’s contemplates vengeance, his armor polished and his back solid. The All-Father does not know how strongly the blood and power of Althalus burns within him.



I claim ancestry from the First Hero Althalus the Justicar, who was the bane of evil and seeker of justice.
I seek to avenge Kahlan, who is my wife.
I lust for the divine power to banish evil above all things.
My hatred for the evil and unjust knows no bounds.
I trust my travelling companions with my life, despite that I may have to look past their iniquities in order to accomplish the task of vengeance.


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