The Guards begin to suspect...
![]() |
Heavily Armed |
As the assassin darts into the hallway, her presence is betrayed by the candelabras lining the hall. Though her cloak leaves her camouflaged still, her shadow dances along beside her, as if mocking.
The guard takes pause, and brandishes his blade against this new threat.
'Intruders!' he shouts, and lowers his sallet, gritting his teeth.
Cloak of Elvenkind in bright light 50% (roll 59%-fail)
Lagormeth and the guard go first, at the same time!
ReplyDeleteAs the guard shouts, making our presence known, I swiftly charge the man, thrusting my blade into any weak point that I see in his armor.
Short sword- ATK +2(charge), DMG 1d6
The guard's blade flashes simultaneously, hungrily meeting your challenge! As the blade arcs from his hip, Lagormeth's aim rings true; she narrowly avoids cold steel as she feels flesh bitten by her own fell strike. The momentum of her thrust carries her past the guard as he drops to a knee, clutching his side.
DeleteAs she turns to face her assailant, she hears the scrape of a sword sliding from its scabbard.
the guards know you are here.
Short sword: 15 (hit!), 5 dmg
Longsword +1 to hit: 14(miss!)
ReplyDeleteGoing into normal initiative! Party acts first!
ReplyDeleteI recognize the very familiar sound and in one hasty movement, I pull the ancestral sword from my victim, wipe the blood as I sheath the blade, and bring my bow forward to claim another.
Grasping two arrows from my quiver, I turn to face the accomplice(s) of the weakling I have finished. I launch the two arrows rapidly through the air, towards my opponent(s), anxiously watching for contact!
If I only see one guard, I would like to shoot both arrows at him, but If there are two guards, shoot one arrow at each target
Longbow- ATK +3, DMG 1d6
Shall we give the foot to these gentlemen in their posterior region? I think so!
ReplyDeleteAs Amberdin watches Lagormeth slip into the next room and the commotion that follows, his brow furrows deeply. He mumbles under his breath “Ancestors, what could I have possibly done to deserve she as a companion?” and the look of concern on his weathered face deepens. Amberdin knew he must step in before this situation became worse.
Amberdin moves swiftly into the room and yells sharply “Lagormeth, WHAT do you think you are doing! Did it ever cross your mind that these men are simply performing their duties and an explanation to our presence may avoid innocent blood being shed?!”
DeleteHearing Amberdin's plea, I reply, "Amberdin, quiet down. You are going to blow our cover." I then wink at Amberdin as I continue my barrage of projectiles.
The guard is struck dumb by the speed of Lagormeth's assault. As he reaches for his blade, your missiles strike the heavy doors behind him; a single bead of sweat trickles from his brow as he takes heed of what is now transpiring.
ReplyDeleteHe shrinks at the appearance of the heavily armored cleric.
DeleteLongbow +3, 2 shots: 8(miss!) and 13(miss!)
ReplyDelete"My assault is complete." I say to the guard. "I feel that I have made my mark. I apologize for your comrade. He died honorably and deserves a proper burial." I remove the hood from my head and say, "We are here to speak to the Aedh. He may be able to help us on our journey."
ReplyDeleteAfter hearing all the commotion take place Jenisys strides through the doors. "Must you sneak around and threaten everyone we come across, Lagormeth? Well what's done is done." She joins her companions in hope of Aedh's guard providing us with information.
The guard's sword clears its sheath, and the man hesitates, seeing his deadly assailant joined by two more heavily armed comrades.
ReplyDeleteHe cocks his head.
'You should not have trespassed, fools. Those who do not have the Great Aedh's invitation are not welcome.
'In the name of the Lord Regent, I command you surrender yourselves and your arms, under pain of death.'
Heavy footfalls echo through the hall, and a heavily armed man strides forward, pausing at the foot of the stairs.
ReplyDelete"I'm sorry to hear that, good sir. The threat was a bit unnecessary, but I will ignore it for now."
I pull an arrow out of my quiver, gesturing with it during my conversation with the guard.
"Let me ask you this," I say to the guards, "what to you plan to do with us, should we surrender?"
"Surely you wouldn't set us free, would you?"
The armored figure breaks his silence in hollow, muffled tones.
Delete'Unnecessary indeed, young lady. I beg you, plead your case to the unfortunate fellow at your feet.
'As for your freedom, all shall be judged hereafter by the Great Aedh. I promise you, mordfrau, we are naught to slit thy throat in cold blood!'
With that, the stalwart warrior brandishes his shield, and a heavy mace slides forward in his grip, a metallic *clunk* echoes in the chamber as its head rests at his feet.
There is a picture of the knight at the top of the page, if you are interested.
ReplyDeleteWhilst I ponder the situation, my eyes twitch as I send a sharp gaze to the armored man. The arrow I that I was momentarily displaying is returned to its' quiver.
"Very well." I say to the guards.
"We will abide to your request to stand down; however, handing over my weapons, my prized possessions, is out of the question."
"Despite what you may think of me, and what I have done to your friend, in my opinion, honesty is my greatest asset, and you have my word that I will cause no more harm here."
"If you see fit, I will even allow this heavily armed fellow to escort me."
The knight, slowly and with deliberation, ascends but a single step, his grip tightening around the haft of his weapon. It comes to rest upon his shoulder.
Delete'Do you think us mad, assassin? Think ye that we might bring the tigress into our midst without declawing the beast? I shall escort you, and the Just Aedh might gift you with your lives for this intrusion, but I am not fool enough to bring an armed assailant before the Regent of Thrall!'
The guard breaks his silence.
'Do it, girl. Glad as I am to strike you down, I serve this house first. If we truly have nothing to fear, you will lose none of your trinkets!'
ReplyDelete"Brave Knight, You do your job well. As does our assassin friend. She does what she knows. We came to seek audience with Great Aedh, The Regent of Thrall. My companion, Amberdin, and I are a pious people we will come peaceably however to disarm us will not do, is there not a way we can compromise?"
The knight takes another step.
Delete'I see you bear the trappings of the Ancestors, pious one, but woe that I cannot take you on your word, madam. At least one of ours is dead by the hands of your friend, and what use would those proclaiming peace have for weapons, when it is words they desire?
'The evidence is against you, intruders. I see two of the righteous letting a she-wolf guide them through the manse. Ho! Speak your justice unto mine ears, that I may know your worth!'
Another step.
'I tire of this debate. Speak now, or I shall smite thee all!'
Better give him a good reason, and quickly!
ReplyDelete'Well, my friend, I gave you my word that I would do no harm so long as we were taken to speak to the Aedh. It hurts me to think that you don't trust me.'
I pout my lower lip.
'A bit of a shame; however, it would have been much easier for everyone here, had you just taken us there. Luckily, I do love a challenge!'
I jump back a few feet, simultaneously pulling two arrows out and launching them at the heavily armed guard!
Longbow- +3 to ATK, 1d6 DMG, 2 shots per round
Should I write in 3rd person, or stick with 1st, because everyone else types in 3rd
The assassin lets her bolts fly, one finding its mark between the plates of heavy armor. A grunt, and the knight deftly deflects the other with his heavy shield.
DeleteThe knight cries out in challenge:
'What times are these, that a knight must debate his honour with murderers?!'
And he charges, whipping his heavy mace back, letting loose a crushing overhand blow against the assassin, breaking bone and snapping sinew.
The other guard steps forward, blade thirsting for the brash assassins blood, but alas! She is still able to twist from harm's way!
Lagormeth: Surprise round!
Longbow-21(hit!)2 dmg and 8(miss!)
Initiative-Guards 1 and Vengeful 3; guards go first
Knight-21 (hit!) 10 dmg (ghetto crit)! and
Guard-16 (miss!)
1st or 3rd person, its your choice!
ReplyDeleteAfter the massive blow, given by the guard, I clutch my side, knowing that something is broken. I tumble backwards, in between my companions, to the doorway.
As I reach for, potentially, my last two arrows, I shout to my party,
'I know we can defeat them! Let us strike them down quickly to confer with the Aedh! The spawn of the All-Father must be found and destroyed!'
and send two more arrows to claim their foe.
*hushed tone*
'Ancestors guide me.'
Shooting one arrow at each target
Longbow- ATK +3, DMG 1d6, 2 shots per round
ReplyDeleteWatching the scene unfold before him, Amberdin takes into consideration the various weights of those transgressions. He thinks carefully before he speaks, not surprised at all by Lagormeth's violent outburst. With a sigh Amberdin steps in front of Lagormeth says "Lagormeth, if you attack this knight furthermore, you have gone beyond the fringes of decency. If you will only lower your bow, perhaps this situation can be halted before it gets worse." Amberdin turns to the knight, "Sir, before you is a group of individuals seeking answers. Our cause is just, and our need prudent. I am a cleric of Althalus, the first justicar. I have served before as a justicar in that capacity, and to my side is a honorable warrior who also represents the bloodline of the first, Keirsin the Blade. I only ask that you listen to me before you continue your purpose. My companion which has assailed you is also of the blood of the first, but sometimes her wrath can be misguided. I have hope that there can be peace here before blood continues to fall."
[Tech] Amberdin moves in front of Lagormeth so as to obstruct her shot. He then reasons with the parties in hope that violent conflict does not threaten them any further.
DeleteUnbalanced by the weighty blow, the knight finds himself momentarily vulnerable. His carapace remains true, though a missile again finds the chinks in his armour.
Boldly striding into the foray, the cleric speaks his peace to the knight's justice, hoping that this misunderstanding is naught to end in tragedy...
Longbow- 16(miss!) and 20(hit!) for 4 dmg.
Amberdin's speech is noted, but I will wait until tomorrow to post the knight's reaction in case Niccola wants to intervene as well.
The knights voice echoes hollow from the depths of his helm.
ReplyDelete'Though I am sworn to the regent, I shall take heed of your Ancestry and piety, holy one. But as even you may attest, the dead body before you requires justice, and the darts that jut from my body are not lightly sown! I have offered peace, only to have it slung in my face with blood!
'We shall speak after I have crushed this biting fly, friend! Some hurts cannot be undone!'
Brushing the cleric aside, the dreadful mace again arcs towards the broken assassin.
A sickening crunch as the girl is caught beneath its mighty blow, and through bloody coughs and wracked limbs she struggles to remain conscious...
'Dost thou yield, little one?'
The knight strides past Amberdin and strikes again!
Mace-20(hit!) for 7 damage!
Lagormeth down to 1 hp...
She throws her weapon aside as she confesses,
'I've never been able to not follow orders! Being on my own is completely new to me! Killing is the only thing I've known to do. If changing my ways gets my sibling back, I would gladly do so! Please, bring piety upon my soul and understand my regards!'